SO, I had my first trip to the hospital. Mommy was worried because I seemed to be having a hard time breathing so she took me up to her old work. They took my pulse ox and it was only 85, which is really low (it should be 100). So they sent me to the ER. At the ER they took a chest xray and gave me some breathing treatments,
which helped but everytime I tried to sleep my oxygen levels would drop again. So, they took my blood and started an IV- it hurt pretty bad, but I tried to be brave for mommy.
Then they put me on oxygen. They decided I had to be admitted to a hospital so they called an ambulance to come get me. The ambulance ride was pretty cool, the guy had a red shirt on and that made me really happy!! The people at the hospital were so nice to me and mommy. I was there for two nights and three days, but they got me all better. When I got home I still had to do the breathing treatments for a few days.
It was pretty scary, but I feel much, much better now!!